
Overview of ILAVANI


This page is for anything to do with my series of books set in the futuristic Science Fantasy World ILAVANI.



Volumes 1-?

6 x 9 paperback cover


Amazon Digital $1.00 Vol 1

ASIN: B071FWRR29 eBook

Amazon Print $6.00 Vol 1

ISBN: 9781521431429 Print


Amazon Digital $.99 Vol 2 



Digital cover for Ilavani vol 2.jpg

Epub available directly from me for $1.00 US emailed to paypal/skrill


My Amazon Author Page


The first installment in a long-running, science fantasy series based in a queer, pagan, polyamorous, universe.

3800 years in the future.

Maëlcolm is a skilled BDSM trainer, a spy, and unfortunately, a prince.

Cameron is Maël’s older brother, titular heir to their father’s kingdom and in love with his enby bodyguard, Li.

Kat is a slave. A genetically modified being created for one purpose, and one alone. To please her masters in bed.

Los is a gifted Companion, the only thing that makes him happier than practicing his calling is loving Maël, the one man Los can’t have an official relationship with.

If Maël doesn’t give up his calling and do as the Ard Righ demands, his family loses everything.

If Cam doesn’t do what he needs to do to become worthy of the throne by the Ard Righ’s stringent standards, their family may be executed.

If Kat, autistic, touch-averse, and afraid, chooses to fight her fate, she’ll die.

When an artificial intelligence named ‘the high king’ is at the helm, the cost to human hearts may be impossible to bear.

Links, stats, and visuals of my characters

Ilavanian Glossary
